5 Keys to Happy and Healthy Digestion

There is a lot of information out there that emphasizes the WHAT part of how we eat to improve our digestive health. But did you know that there are other factors related to HOW we eat that can significantly impact your digestive health? In this article, we'll explore five simple yet powerful habits you can start incorporating into your daily life to support your digestion and overall well-being.

  1. Meal Spacing

Consider the timing of your meals as a crucial aspect of digestion.  If we keep eating and snacking throughout the day, we do not give our digestive system the space to work efficiently. This can set the stage for conditions like bacterial overgrowth.  Spacing food intake at least 4 hours apart during the day and at least 8-10 hours overnight is optimal. 

2. Chew Your Food Thoroughly

Chewing our food may seem like mundane advice.  It is so simple, yet it can be so difficult for people to implement. We are often eating in a rush (or at least we feel rushed), but I cannot tell you how many people I have worked with that when they make this simple change, it makes a world of difference for many of their digestive concerns.  When we chew our food, we are, by definition, more relaxed. If our digestive capacity is already impaired, chewing our food and starting this digestive process in our mouth helps relieve some of the burden so that it can do its job better.  You do not have to turn your food to mush.  Aiming for at least 10-20 chews before swallowing is a good start. One helpful strategy is to put your fork or spoon down between bites, encouraging mindful eating and proper chewing. 

3. Optimize Food Preparation for Digestability

Cooking your food with care can enhance its digestibility. Consider methods like pressure cooking for beans and soaking grains before preparation. These techniques help break down complex components that can be harder on your digestive system, making nutrients more accessible and reducing the risk of digestive discomfort. There is lots of talk these days about substances in foods that (like phytates, lectins, etc.) are called anti-nutrients that can impact our health and digestion. While I will not go into this debate here, it is worth noting how many traditional cultures have practices of slow food preparation.  While our lifestyles may not always allow for this, there is ample evidence that pressure cooking can provide many of the same benefits.

4. Avoid Multi-Tasking

Digestion isn't just about what's happening in your stomach; it's a holistic process involving your entire body. Multitasking while eating can activate your stress response and hinder digestion. To support your gut health, aim for a relaxed atmosphere during meals. This allows your nervous system to shift into a parasympathetic state, which is conducive to effective digestion. 

5. Mindful Hydration

While staying hydrated is crucial for overall health, be mindful of when you consume fluids. Drinking large amounts of cold liquids during meals can dilute digestive enzymes and slow digestion. Opt for room-temperature beverages and try to limit fluid intake while eating. Instead, hydrate between meals to support optimal digestion.

In conclusion, improving your digestion isn't just about what you eat but also how you approach meals and your overall lifestyle. By implementing these simple yet effective habits, you can promote better gut health and general well-being. Start incorporating these practices today, and you'll be well on your way to a happier and healthier digestive system.

To your health,

Dr. Nicole

Founder, Sankofa Healing Arts & Functional Medicine PLLC

Practical, Actionable, and Sustainable Care for Socially Conscious People


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