Nicole Winbush MD Nicole Winbush MD

Herbal Infusions - Powerful healing and easier than you think

Herbal infusions are highly concentrated herbal tea - made with more herbs and steeped longer than your typical cup of tea. They occupy the space between food and medicine. Unlike traditional teas, which steep for just a few minutes, herbal infusions require a longer steeping time, allowing for a more profound extraction of nutrients from the herbs.

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Nicole Winbush MD Nicole Winbush MD

Four Overlooked Causes of Hot Flashes

Menopause is a transformative time in a person’s life, marked by various shifts (physical, mental, emotional, and often spiritual). Hot flashes are perhaps the most notorious among the many physical symptoms that can accompany this transition. Surprisingly, these sudden heat surges can start years before menopause officially begins. While estrogen deficiency is often blamed for hot flashes, there's more to the story. In this post, we'll explore four often-overlooked triggers for (peri)menopausal hot flashes and discuss how to manage them effectively.

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Nicole Winbush MD Nicole Winbush MD

5 Keys to Happy and Healthy Digestion

A lot of information out there emphasizes the WHAT part of how we eat to improve our digestive health. But did you know that there are other factors related to HOW we eat that can significantly impact your digestive health?

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Nicole Winbush MD Nicole Winbush MD

Summertime Blues

While many people look forward to the start of summer, for some of us, the summer can be a time when we do not feel our best. Do you or someone you know experience increased anxiety, low mood, or sleep disturbances in the summer months? There are several potential reasons. I will review some of them and how you might assess and address them to support your mood and sleep this summer.

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Nicole Winbush MD Nicole Winbush MD

Beyond Functional Medicine in search of a truly integrated model of healing

The functional medicine model is still wildly incomplete. Some passing acknowledgment is given to the need to address non-physical aspects of health and healing - the psychological, emotional, and spiritual. As it is elaborated and practiced, though, functional medicine is still primarily medicine of the physical body. It is still based mainly on the same underlying (materialist) paradigm that assumes that disease happens and is cured as a matter of inputs or subtractions - what one is doing or not doing and exposed to or not exposed to in the environment.

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