What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral therapy is a light-touch manual therapy that focuses on improving the structure and function of the body so that it can work in a more integrated and efficient way. In a craniosacral therapy treatment, the therapist engages with the connective tissue of the body, known as the fascia. The fascia surrounds every cell, tissue, and organ in the body and provides structural support. The fascia also offers a communication channel that provides seamless, uninterrupted transmission of signals throughout the body. The body functions best when there is unrestricted movement of the fascia - but injuries and physical and emotional traumas can induce fascial tensions and holding patterns. Craniosacral therapy aims to release these restrictions.
New Patient Visit: $150
Follow-up: $125
How does craniosacral therapy work? In a craniosacral treatment, light touch and gentle traction are applied to engage the fascia and along the spine, the skull, and other soft tissues to release muscular tension and holding patterns that may be held in place by restrictions in the fascia. [Read more about how craniosacral therapy works in this article I wrote]
What are the origins of Craniosacral Therapy? Craniosacral therapy arises from the lineage of osteopathic medicine and the bonesetting traditions of many indigenous cultures, including the Cherokee and Shawnee.
What is my training in Craniosacral Therapy? I received my training in Craniosacral therapy from the Upledger Institute, where I studied with several teachers. I was drawn to this work after personally experiencing it and witnessing its transformational power in others.
What does a treatment feel like? Treatments are provided on a massage table while you are fully clothed. Sessions generally last 45-75 minutes. A treatment involves light touch on various body areas, including the head, neck, back, and trunk. Intraoral work (work inside of your mouth, using a gloved hand) may also be used to release areas of tension in the mouth that often contribute to conditions such as grinding and clenching, headaches, and more.
What conditions can craniosacral help treat? Craniosacral therapy is often used as a supportive treatment in combination with other therapies that your healthcare provider may recommend. Conditions that may benefit from Craniosacral therapy include (but are not limited to):
Chronic Pain
Sleep Disorders
Tempromandibular Joint Syndrome
Chronic Stress and Fatigue (CFS/ME)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and other functional digestive concerns
Medical procedure-related trauma